We have annnocuced our new product.
- Jan 11, 2020
- 35
Our ERP software for colleges features a comprehensive Library Management System
designed to streamline library operations. With robust Book Management and Fine
Management capabilities, managing transactions and fees becomes effortless.
Track student activities with Students IN & OUT Management and enhance access
with OPAC, Announcements, and Communication tools.
Manage multiple
efficiently and ensure compliance with MARC Based Cataloging and international
standards support. Simplify circulation with Koha-Like MARC Structure and
empower users with Self-Checkout Options.
Generate Barcode Labels,
Subject &
Genre-Wise Reports, and optimize Shelving Location Management for easy
retrieval. Utilize Kiosks for Attendance and Reading Records to promote
engagement, and seamlessly retrieve online book records with SRU Protocol.
"Our ERP software includes a powerful Library Management System with Book Management, Fine Management, and Student IN & OUT Tracking. Enhance operations with OPAC, Announcements, MARC Standards, Self-Checkout Options, Barcode Printing, and Shelving Location Management."